Full name
Your Email Address
Do you agree to your photos being used on Dana Kae Photography's website?YesNo
Do you agree to your photos being used on social media?YesNo
Do you want to be tagged? If so, please provide platforms/handles.
If your photos are published on the website's blog, should we use your real first name or a pseudonym? (*we will never use last names)
Do you agree to your photos being used in possible future gallery shows, books, magazines, or similar forms of self-promotion for Dana Kae Photography?YesNo
Can we show your face?YesNo
Can we use nude images? (*boudoir only)YesNoNo nudes taken
Would you like me to wait until a specific date to publish your images?
Any other notes for Dana in regards to sharing your images?
I understand that by clicking submit below, I authorize Dana Kae Photography to use my images in the ways outlined above.YesNo