Full Name(s)
Phone Number
Email Address
Apt #?
Zip Code
Which session are you purchasing?2 hour3 hour4 hourFull DayMultiple Full Days
When is your shoot?
Do you have a preferred start time on the day of your session?
Where are we shooting? *Please include an address and any parking or contact info that you think I may need
Are you adding-on professional hair and makeup styling (Seattle rate - $300) or limited grooming (Seattle rate - $150)? Subject to availability, some notice and flexibility around date/time often required to book.
If "yes" to hair and makeup - please describe your ideal hair and makeup for the day. For any unique or specific requests, please email a picture of yourself and your inspiration to dana@danakae.com.
If "yes" to hair and makeup - do you have any skin conditions or allergies we should know about?
Describe the mood, look, and feel of your dream portrait shoot! (include any special items you'd like Dana to bring, i.e. neon lights, colored backgrounds, smoke machine - in some cases additional charges may apply)
What are you wearing? Do you need help or recommendations for outfits?
Would you like to schedule a Zoom consult with Dana or would you prefer to plan with her over email?Zoom ConsultOver email
If you'd like to start a Pinterest or google folder for inspiration images, please title the board (*your first name* Portraits) and link to it here:
Any specific retouching requests? *Extensive editing requests could require outsourcing and extra payment
Are you planning to purchase any products after the shoot?
Do you need the final photos or any products by a specific date? *Rush fees may apply in cases of very quick turnaround
Are you and anyone else that is being photographed vaccinated against COVID-19?
*Only a signed contract and payment of the booking fee can confirm your shoot date!